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Posture is affected by the body’s response to the position of the head as it relates to the center of gravity. Posture defines the interrelationship between muscle and skeletal tissue.

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Calculation of Lien Payments

Calculation of Lien Payments

The ICS has been following a line of court cases regarding the calculation of lien payments to health care providers in injury cases. In some jurisdictions, courts have ruled that plaintiffs (patients) in injury cases may deduct and retain litigation costs from the total settlement or judgment amount BEFORE applying the percentages to pay health care liens. Of course, this formula reduced the amounts available for payment of health care liens and effectively required health care providers to share in the payment of litigation costs.

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Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis

The plantar fascia is a dense, fibrous band serving as a biomechanical stabilizer, as well as a protector to the vulnerable neurovascular structures on the plantar aspect of the foot. The diagnosis “plantar fasciitis” encompasses disorders ranging from acute inflammation to chronic fibrotic degeneration, usually involving the calcaneal attachment. (1,2) Plantar fasciitis most commonly affects the medial portion of the band. (2)

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